Register now by clicking COURSES above!
How To Register!
To Register for classes: Please click on “Courses” in the top navigation bar and then click in the open box to find your School District. Schools are listed in alphabetical order from top to bottom. Click “View Course” to see the dates and register for a particular class.
To view pictures and video about our programs please follow our Facebook Page by Clicking Here.
What if KidStage is not currently offered at my school?
If your school and/or district is not listed at this time, we can change that! Reach out to us directly (denverkidstage@yahoo.com or 303.514.8600) to coordinate communication between KidStage and your school’s admin team to get a class set-up at your school!
Have Questions about KidStage? Want to join our email list? How is KidStage different from other children's activities and programs?
Please go to our FAQ (Frequently asked questions) link above to find out more on how our program works. Any unanswered questions can be sent to denverkidstage@yahoo.com.
Most people find out the quickest about our new classes by getting on our email list for their school. If you are unsure if you are on our list, please email denverkidstage@yahoo.com to request to be added to the email list and please indicate what school location(s) you are interested in. You could also choose to follow our Facebook page to be notified of new classes and camps we have offered.
We differentiate ourselves from most other local children’s programs (dance, theater, art, gymnastics, sports, music) in that you will NEVER have to pay annual ‘registration’ fees with us or any mandatory costume/materials/royalty fees. You pay one price for each class session your child takes with us with no hidden fees. Families are responsible for providing their own costumes and can spend as much or as little as they are comfortable with. Today you can find almost any costume online or put one together for very minimal cost. We love and welcome parent volunteers who want to help with some of the little details of our shows, so please offer if you want to get involved!